90-Day Wonder Program

Revive your

health and vitality

with Janelle Marie Moore

What I do

- I help men naturally lower their blood pressure and cholesterol, so they can avoid statin drugs.
- I help women naturally heal from fibroids and other reproductive health concerns.
- I help people clean up their livers, so they can lose weight, have glowing skin, optimal energy and gain their life back.
- I help business owners and executives produce more, gain stamina and become happier through the healing power of food.
- I help people who are ready to make a change finally resolve their chronic symptoms and   ailments so they can be who they're meant to be!


A feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar or inexplicable.

Do you wonder what could happen in your body in 90 days?
Discover innovative ways to achieve a healthier diet and lifestyle through a custom-tailored program designed specifically for YOU.

The 90-Day Wonder Program

What it includes

- Two 1-hour Health Huddle appointments each month for 3 months (first session usually runs 75 minutes)
- A custom Miracle Healing Morning practice + phone consultation (up to 30 mins) to review your personalized plan
- Personal progress assessment
- Recommendations to equip you for the next two weeks
- A full set of notes
- A variety of handouts, recipes, books, downloads, perks, and more
- Accountability and support to help you reach your health and well-being goals
- Unlimited texting and email communication access throughout the 90 days

*Health Huddles can be conducted in person, over the phone, or via Zoom or other face-to-face web conferencing application.

Program Benefits

- Renewed sense of vitality and wellness
- Better fulfillment in work and life
- A system of self-healing using the power of food
- A morning practice that you'll develop with Janelle's guidance to put you in the right mindset for positive change

Additional life-time resources

Upon completion of the 90-Day Wonder Program, you’ll have access to à la carte consultations with Janelle as needed.

Clients heart their results!

Let’s revitalize your vitality!

Connect with Me